Friday, June 29, 2012

Leading up to vacation!

7 days! 7 Days! SEVEN DAYSSSSSS!!!!!

We are FINALLY headed to Disney World in seven magical days!

Today we are going to talk about leading up to the vacation and ways to stay calm and focus during the homestretch.

leading up to vacation (esp. these last few days) is one of the most exciting times. The anticipation builds. EVERYDAY we are watching Disney Movies, Disney YouTube, and doing some sort of activity. Alot of bloggers, I have researched, suggest Tinkerbell gifts. These are little magical happies that usually come from the wonderful world Dollar Tree or the magical bins at Target. I, do love some Tinkerbell gifts, However...I reserve them for special times (waiting in a long line, right before the parade, on the last morning) I prefer to lead up to vacation by helping the anticipation.

For example: We have 4 kids going on this trip 3 are old enough for Pirates League and Bippity Boppity Boutique...1 is not. Instead of that one missing out-we had an "adventure day" where they got to go to the pirate leage or bippity boppity boutique and go on a treasure hunt. They understood why we were doing it here and not there and were just as happy!

Another thing is we make "list". A list of rides we want to ride, A list of snacks we want to eat, A list of characters we want to meet.

One day-we worked on our penny press holders (take an empty mini M&M container and decorate the outside with stickers...stack 2 quarters and a penny all the way up)

The kids favorite thing is picking out what Disney movies they get to watch in the car. ;)

Whats some of the ways you lead up to your Disney Vacation? 

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